Things to Do to Keep Me Energized During the Day
Even if you can't get to the gym in the middle of the day, there are plenty of ways that you can get in a little exercise. Take a walk around the neighborhood or the office, do a few quick sets of squats, jumping jacks or lunges. Take the stairs instead of riding the elevator. The trick is to get your blood flowing, as this will help to pump up your heart rate and increase your energy level.
Eat Right
Your diet can have a big impact on your energy level. Foods that are high in carbohydrates and sugars offer a quick burst of energy, which your body quickly uses, making you feel run-down and tired. Instead of eating a bagel for breakfast or a plate of pasta for lunch, try eating foods that are high in protein. Options include eggs, yogurt, meat and beans. Between meals, opt for fresh fruits or nuts instead of a candy bar or cookies. In addition to offering more energy, these food choices are also healthier options.
Stay Hydrated
Dehydration can quickly drain your energy. When your body isn't properly hydrated, it slows the circulation of blood, making you feel tired. To help keep yourself energized, drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Fitness Magazine recommends drinking a minimum of eight glasses of water a day, each glass being 8 ounces. Not only will you feel more energized, your complexion may look better and you may even shed a few pounds.
Improve Posture
Stand (or sit) tall. It may seem strange, but slouching can actually cause you to feel tired, as your body is pulling on your muscles, making them work harder. Sitting, standing and walking with a straight back and neck, with your shoulders pulled back can relieve the strain on your muscles, leaving you feeling more energized, as well as giving off a better presentation of yourself.