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How to Gently Clean a Scab With Soap & Water
When skin is scraped, scratched or cut, it tends to bleed. Blood seeps out of the wound until it coagulates, or hardens, forming a protective scab that fends off bacteria and, consequently, infection. Scabs are commonly itchy, and when you scratch them you peel off the skin to reopen the wound and invite infection once more. If you maintain it carefully, a scab will protect opened skin until the scab falls off naturally.Things You'll Need
- Warm water
- Cloth or paper towel
- Disinfectant soap
Fold a clean washcloth into a small square, or fold a pair of fresh paper towels similarly. Hold it under a warm tap until lightly wet. Squeeze out the excess water.
Apply disinfectant soap to the washcloth or paper towels. Massage the soap until it is sudsy.
Wet the scab beneath the warm tap for a moment, and then gently daub the affected area with the soapy cloth. Repeatedly press down lightly, and refrain from wiping because the scab might peel off if it is wiped too hard. Dry with a clean towel or cloth.