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How to Make a Liquid Exfoliant
Your skin is the only skin you've got, so it should be protected. Exfoliation is the process of removing old dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. There are hundreds of exfoliants on the market. However, liquid exfoliants can be made at home with a variety of common household products. Typically, an exfoliant is comprised of a mild abrasive that scrubs the skin. These abrasives can include sugar, coffee grinds, sea salt or oatmeal.Things You'll Need
- Bowl
- Measuring cup
- 2 tablespoons corn flour
- Apple juice (enough to make liquid paste)
- Spoon
Measure 2 tablespoons of corn flour. Add it to the bowl.
Pour about a half cup of apple juice into the bowl with the corn flour. Mix with a spoon.
Add more apple juice, if needed to form a liquid paste.
Combine the ingredients well. Apply to face, rubbing in small circles.