What Are the Effects of a Titanium Necklace?
Energy Booster
However, titanium jewelry was suddenly in the world spotlight for a completely different reason. Titanium had become the metal in vogue after several major league baseball athletes started sporting titanium bracelets and necklaces, supposedly for boosting their energy on the field. Die-hard fans of these athletes followed suit and began wearing titanium as well. Many ordinary exercisers, players and athletes such as Greg Benoit believe that wearing a piece of titanium jewelry boosts their energy, increases physical capacity and enables them to perform better on the field or in the gym. Arthritis patients have reported a decrease in their painful symptoms after donning titanium necklaces and bracelets.
Enhancement of Mental And Physical Abilities
The Phiten titanium necklaces developed by Yoshihiro Hirata found their first believers in Japanese athletes. Their name and fame quickly traveled to Western shores, where renowned baseball players and other sports stars, embraced titanium-infused jewelry to enhance their stamina and capacity for physical exertion. Although scientists and doctors scoff at these claims, the Phiten Company believes that the titanium present in its body jewelry range stabilizes and smooths the electricity flow inside the human nervous system, eliminating fatigue, tiredness and lethargy and recharges the body.
Athlete Claims
Titanium necklaces have a lot of fashion value, as they are now available in myriad colors. They also claim to improve the flow of bioelectrical current in the body by enabling red blood cells to pump more currents and oxygen throughout the body, cutting out stress and fatigue in the process. Even if this claim is not validated by scientific proof, its ability to boost confidence and mental strength in baseball players exists. Ballplayers swear by titanium jewelry, as long as they are winning on the field, and vouch for all of its beneficial properties.
Titanium Allergies
Titanium allergy is extremely rare; however, most cases of titanium allergy results from wearing titanium jewelry. Piercing your skin to wear titanium jewelry at times leads to allergic reactions such as hives, redness of the skin, irritation and swelling, itchiness and skin rashes. Because these symptoms can occur after introducing any foreign object into the human body, wait for a couple of days after titanium body piercing and allow the affected portion to heal itself. If you experience any kind of chronic fatigue syndrome (after being exposed to a titanium implant or titanium body piercing) for more than 6 months and the persistent fatigue is not alleviated by adequate amount of rest, seek medical assistance. Nevertheless, this type of titanium sensitivity is very rare. In reality, titanium is a hypoallergenic metal and titanium jewelry is safe for even those individuals who suffer from major skin allergies.