How to Set Up a Compressed, Portable, Oxygen Tank
Wash your hands to ensure you do not introduce germs into the tank components. Remove the tape from the bottom of your tank. Remove and throw out the crush gasket. This is a nylon washer that is located at the neck of your oxygen tank.
Loosen the oxygen valve at the top of the tank by turning it to the left with the tank's valve wrench. This will clear dirt and germs from the valve, prepping it for oxygen flow. Once you hear the gas escaping via a hissing noise, turn the valve to the right to close it off.
Place the sealing washer on the top of the tank. Line up the regulator's pins with the three holes located at the neck's base. Turn the T-bar at the side of the pressure gauge to your right to tighten it. Your regulator should have no movement once it is properly secured.
Turn the valve on by slowly rotating one complete turn to the left. Listen for a loud hissing noise. This indicates a leak and should be reported immediately to your oxygen tank supplier. If you hear no noise, check the pressure gauge to ensure that the oxygen output is correct according to the tank's user manual.
Attach the end of your oxygen tube to the end of the valve stem. Secure the other end to your mask or nasal cannula by sliding together the male and female attachments.
Check the doctor's LPM prescription located on your prescription detail sheet from the tank supplier. Turn the flow meter knob to the exact number your doctor has prescribed. Place the mask or cannula on the patient's face. Masks are secured via an elastic band that fits behind the head and over the ears. Nasal cannula are looped behind the ear, with the two nasal prongs even with the patient's nostrils.