What Tools Are Used for Karyotypes?
Petri Dish
Cells, often from blood, are gathered as samples from the subject being studied. These cells are grown so there are enough of them to analyze. A petri dish is a small, thin, circular glass dish containing a nutrient that allows cells to multiply. The cells are gathered by "whipping" them from the petri dish.
Centrifuges are machines that separate the cultured cells. Separation has to occur to release the chromosomes within the cells for study. Centrifuge mashes the cells into a mixture. This is done by placing the grown blood sample in a spinning chamber. The heavier cell parts are separated from the lighter ones by the sedimentation principle. The lighter cells are gathered and separated out in tubes for the next step of karyotyping.
Microscopes, Chemicals, and Chromosome Slides
The separated chromosomes have no color. A dye must be used to bring visible contrast to the sample. A chemical called giemsa is applied to the chromosomes on a slide. A chromosome slide is a thin, rectangular piece of glass. The transparency of the chromosome slide brings out the visual properties of the chromosomes dyed with the giemsa. A microscope is then used to analyze what has been deposited.
Automated Karyotyping Tool
The latest technology has enabled extremely high quality pictures to be taken of the stained chromosomes. An automated karyotyping tool is employed for this purpose. The device analyzes chromosomes through the use of digital imaging. A picture is taken of the chromosomes and the information translated and converted to tell the size, shape and number of chromosomes. The chromosomes are arranged and the images put alongside those of healthy chromosomes to determine if there are any genetic abnormalities.