Activities on Self-Respect
You need tools to build your self-esteem. A person who believes he's worthless and undesirable can't respect himself, because self-worth is related to self-respect. A lack of self-respect leads to low expectations and restricts accomplishment and exploration. Also, feelings of worthlessness often accompany depression. The person striving for accomplishment and progress needs to respect and recognize his abilities to succeed. He must believe that he is worthy. Self-esteem and self-respect are beliefs in one's worthiness and value.
Take Care of Yourself
You need to love yourself. Taking care of yourself physically increases self-esteem because you acknowledge that your body is valuable and worth maintaining. Physical care does not have to mean a "six-pack" of abdominal muscles and bulging biceps. Self-care simply means consuming nutrient-rich foods, eliminating unhealthful habits such as cigarette smoking, and practicing healthful activities such as regular exercise. This self-care extends to mental health.
Find Respectful Friends
Supportive friends can help you develop self-respect. "Spend time with people who like you and make you feel good about yourself," advises WebMD. Such associations can help you build and maintain self-esteem. Belonging to a group and being accepted are vital components of positive self-image; accordingly, establishing relationships with supportive friends aids in developing self-respect and self-esteem. Relationships foster a sense of belonging. WebMD emphasizes the significance of relationships: "Through contact with others, we know that we are loved and respected and that we belong."
Accomplish Something
Group activities and adventures build self-esteem. Participating in group activities that require cooperation and group effort develops self-esteem and a sense of belonging. This is the principle behind so-called "adventure education." Adventure education consists of physical challenges and obstacles that can only be negotiated by group effort. The group builds confidence and develops individual self-esteem as it conquers obstacles and establishes a sense of belonging. Each individual realizes that she's vital to the success of the group. Group challenges, such as crossing a body of water using limited resources, require that the entire group complete the exercise and negotiate the obstacle.
Positive Messages
Give yourself a pep talk. You can affirm self-worth through actions such as dressing in favorite clothes, maintaining health, accomplishing goals or completing difficult tasks. You can also foster self-esteem and worthiness by saying positive things about yourself; these statements are self-affirmations. When you affirm your self-worth, you basically fill the role of a supportive friend who admires and respects you.