What Are the Dangers of Ingesting Eyedrops?
Dangers to the Respiratory System and the Heart
The ingestion of tetrahydrozoline, the active ingredient in popular eye drop brands like Visine, can cause respiratory dangers such as difficulty breathing and in extreme cases, breathing can stop. Upon admission to the hospital, breathing assistance in the form of artificial respiration may be required. Heart problems include a sudden rise in the victim's blood pressure followed by a blood pressure plunge. A rapid heartbeat is another heart related danger of tetrahydrozoline poisoning.
Dangers to the Body
Tetrahydrozoline poisoning can cause low body temperature. Another danger is a chance of the person's fingernails and lips to become blue. This skin discoloration can occur from the drop in body pressure or from the toxins in the eye drops. Blurred vision or a change in pupil size can also occur from the ingestion of eye drops. Nausea and extreme vomiting are also dangerous possibilities and with vomiting, there is always the danger of dehydration.
Dangers to the Nervous System
Perhaps some of the most dangerous possible outcomes from the ingestion of eye drops are the effects to the nervous system. Dangers to the nervous system include headache, irritability and nervousness. More dangerous are the potential for tremors, seizures and coma. While these outcomes are more rare, they are very serious. Decreased consciousness, whether due to seizures or coma, always requires medical attention and can have dangerous outcomes on its own.
In additional to the possibility of receiving breathing assistance once admitted to the hospital, activated charcoal may be administered to absorb the toxicity of the tetrahydrozoline. A laxative may be given in an attempt to flush the toxins from the system. Vomiting may also be induced to rid the body of the poison or gastric lavage, a stomach washing technique where a tube is inserted through the mouth or nose, may also be performed. If the person survives the first 24 hours after ingesting eye drops, the chance of recovery is excellent.