Tips for Expectant Moms
Avoid Caffeine
Drinking too much caffeine can harm your baby. Unlike you, your developing baby can't metabolize caffeine. According to the, caffeine can enter your baby's bloodstream and result in increased heart rate, low birth weight, miscarriage or stillbirth. Caffeine also acts as a diuretic, which can lead to excessive urination. Losing excessive fluids can lead to dehydration. Dehydration may cause a variety of harmful affects, such as low amniotic fluid, heat exhaustion and premature labor.
The Nursery
Providing your baby with a crib from an established manufacturer can prevent potential injury. While accepting a hand-me-down crib can save money, old cribs may not meet safety standards. Also, older cribs may be missing pieces such as screws, making the crib unsafe. Many parents use baby monitors to keep tabs on their baby. If you keep a baby monitor in your nursery, opt for a wireless monitor to prevent your baby from becoming tangled in the cord.
Manage Stress
Elevated hormones during pregnancy may cause you to become an emotional wreck. If you find yourself stressed by certain individuals, the March of Dimes recommends developing a barrier from those people. Exercising, going to the spa or connecting with other expectant moms can also help relieve stress. Talking with your health care provider and keeping up with your prenatal appointments can also give you some peace of mind.
Pack for Arrival
- suggests packing your hospital bag when you are around eight months pregnant. Include your birthing plan, driver's license, hospital paperwork, extra underwear, a nightgown, socks or slippers, an extra change of clothes and toiletries. Pack an outfit for your newborn, receiving blanket and diapers. Install an infant car seat prior to delivery. Bring your baby book. When your nurse takes footprints of your newborn she can also make prints for your baby book.
Skin Care Tips
Using a tummy cream during your pregnancy can provide relief from itching and soften the skin to ease the pain of stretching. Exercising during your pregnancy can also help prevent stretch marks. Consult with your health care provider to ensure that you can exercise during pregnancy. Wearing sunscreen on your face can reduce the appearance of melasma, a type of facial pigmentation that often appears during pregnancy. Varicose veins may also develop during pregnancy. Propping up your feet up, wearing support hose and avoiding sitting or standing for long amounts of time can help lessen the prominence of varicose veins.