Breech Pregnancy Exercises
Breech Tilt
A breech tilt is also known as the ironing board exercise. Grab an ironing board (or any sturdy length of wood). Place one end on the couch and the other on the floor (with a few pillows for cushioning). Carefully lie down on the board, with your feet up on the couch and your head near the floor. Do try this a couple times a day for 10 to 20 minutes. If this makes you dizzy or light-headed, decrease the angle and then increase it when you get used to it.
You can do an inversion on the couch or stairs, alone or with a partner to help you. Keeping your chin tucked under, place your knees on a raised surface and place your hands on the floor below. Keep these exercises short (about 30 seconds). Repetition helps more than extended practice.
Crawling on all fours, or on your elbows and knees, can help the baby turn. "Elephant walking," or walking on your hands and feet, is a more difficult version of this. Do either of these as frequently as you find feasible.
Swimming is a relaxing exercise and will help loosen and strengthen your body. Standing on your hands under water for brief periods is sometimes helpful. If the pool is an approved diving depth, dive in a few times.