How Can I Get Free Books on Pregnancy?
Contact local thrift stores, churches and even hospitals that regularly collect donated materials for community outreach programs. Many of these organizations may have books on pregnancy that they can give to you for free or very little cost.
Ask to borrow pregnancy books from other women friends or family members who were recently pregnant and may be finished with books on the topic.
Talk to your primary doctor or pediatrician. They may know of local organizations that help with donations of items such as pregnancy books.
Go to your local library branch. Filling out a library card is free and fast. You can check out and read as many pregnancy books as you like. Though you can't keep these books, they are absolutely free to borrow.
Visit the Department of Heath website for the United Kingdom. This website provides a free book on pregnancy and childcare available for ordering or download. You do not need to be from the UK or a UK resident to get the free book.
Visit online childbirth websites. Many of these websites provide links to free pregnancy books and e-books. Some even have links to pregnancy calendars and weekly newsletters.
Download applications to your cellphone or pocket pc. Many companies are now offering free pregnancy handbook applications, which you can download quickly and consult during and after your pregnancy.