Laws Regarding Unassisted Birth in Virginia
Legal Considerations
There are legal considerations to be aware of if you choose to give birth at home without professional assistance. According to Virginia law, you must register the birth within 30 days to obtain a legal birth certificate and supporting documentation such as proof of pregnancy may be required.
The National Center for Health Statistics reported that the number of unassisted births increased by 10 percent between 2006 and 2007, the latest year for which statistics are available. Of the 4.3 million babies born in 2007, nearly 25,000 were born at home, with 8,347 unattended by either a doctor or a midwife. This includes planned and emergency unattended births.
Benefits and Risks
The website, Bornfree, advocates for unassisted birth, stating that "childbirth is inherently safe and relatively painless" when pregnant women are aware of the needs and risks, and trust their intuition. Conversely, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists issued a statement in 2007 officially opposing home births due to medical risks. Any woman preparing to give birth should educate herself, talk to medical professionals and make an informed decision about her choices.