How to Become an Egg Donor at UCLA
Those who wish to become egg donors must meet certain requirements. These include but are not limited to women who fall between the age requirements of 21 and 29, have a good medical history, lead a healthy lifestyle, have not taken illicit drugs, have been free of STDs for 12 months, are not at risk for certain diseases, and do not have any major medical problems.
Initial Process
Once the requirements and criteria for becoming an egg donor are met, the process begins with paperwork. The individual interested in becoming a donor must go through a series of physicals, gynecological exams, and medical tests. Consent must be given and the individual must commit to the process.
Actual Procedure
After all of the initial work has been completed, the woman donating her eggs will undergo a series of fertility treatments and more medical tests. To complete the process, the actual procedure consists of the woman undergoing in vitro fertilization, which is a surgical procedure in which the eggs are removed from her body to later be mixed with sperm and then used in another woman's body with the hopes of achieving pregnancy.