How to Use a Birthing Ball During Labor
Sit on the ball with your bare feet firmly planted on the floor and legs spread apart comfortably. Having a support person hold you from behind and massage your back often provides great relief while helping you maintain your stability.
Rock around gently or bounce up and down from the sitting position. It is especially helpful during contractions as it takes pressure off your back and uses gravity to progress the labor more quickly.
Place the ball next to the bed and lean your upper body on the bed while remaining seated on the ball. This takes your weight off and makes contractions less painful.
Kneel on the floor while supporting your upper body over the ball. Tilt your pelvis in forward and backward motions while leaning on the ball. This position helps to properly align the fetus when it is turned around.
Practice the different poses and then experiment with variations that alleviate discomfort for the specific contractions you experience.