How to Become an Egg Donor in Dallas, Texas
Contact an egg donation agency to apply. Some of the major agencies in Dallas include The Egg Donation Center of Dallas, Inc. (972-424-9369), ConceiveAbilities (877-201-7211), and Dallas-Ft. Worth Fertility Associates (214-363-5965). You will need to fill out a detailed questionnaire. This typically includes basic background information, medical and psychological history, physical attributes and educational background. They may also ask you to submit photographs. Basic requirements for an egg donor will include being in good health, being between the ages of 21 and 30, being a non-smoker and not having been adopted. Preference is generally given to minorities and women who have already conceived children.
Interview with the agency in person if your application is accepted. At this time, you will complete enrollment paperwork and a personal profile will be created for you. The egg donor recipients will be able to view your profile to determine if you are a good fit for them. Your personal information will remain confidential. Egg donations are typically anonymous.
Have a medical and psychological screening if you are selected by an egg donor recipient. You must be available for daily medical visits and testing the final week before donation. The recipient couple will be responsible for all related medical fees and travel expenses.
Begin fertility treatments. Your doctor will place you on fertility drugs in order to increase your egg production. These medications may cause temporary side effects such as headache, fatigue, bloating and moodiness. Within about three weeks, the eggs will be fully developed. You will then undergo a procedure to have them removed and donated to the recipient.
Receive your compensation. After the donation is successfully completed, you will be paid for your time and effort. Usually, a check will be mailed to you within a week after your donation. Most egg donors are paid $5,000 to $10,000 per egg, as of 2010.