What Is the Meaning of APV?
Cardiologists use a battery of tests to diagnose APV. An echocardiogram during pregnancy can lead to early diagnosis if a heart murmur is heard. Physical signs in a newborn include shortness of breath and a bluish tinge to the skin. A chest X-ray, CT scan and an electrocardiogram are all used to diagnose APV.
Surgery is an effective treatment in most cases. Surgery should be done as soon as possible to rectify the condition. The types of procedure depend upon the exact cause for the depletion of oxygen to the lungs. There may be follow up surgeries after the initial corrective procedure.
With corrective surgery the outlook is positive. The outlook for the condition is positive after corrective surgery. Babies generally need cardiac monitoring throughout their lives to make sure there are no additional murmurs or irregular heart beat. Adults should be able to lead normal lives with regular checkups. Without surgery, the prognosis is poor and death usually occurs in infancy, dependent upon the severity of the condition.