Fun Ways to Predict Baby Gender
High or Low?
The way you carry the baby during pregnancy is one of the most popular ways to guess the gender. If you carry low and out front, it's believed you're having a boy. Carrying high and to the side (or if your pregnancy is visible from behind) means you're having a girl. Of course, scientists have advised that the way you carry a baby is not due to gender but muscle tone and the position the baby has settled on in your uterus.
Face and Hair
Another way many guess the gender of your baby is by looking at your face and hair. It's believed that if you're having a boy, you'll have shiny hair and a rosy complexion. If your hair is dull or if your skin begins breaking out in the odd pimple, it is believed that you'll have a girl. Netmums adds that experts explain that these effects are related to hormonal changes in your body and that women who have problem skin before pregnancy are likely to have more outbreaks during.
The Ring Trick
Possibly one of the oldest methods of guessing your baby's gender is to tie your ring or a needle to a piece of string and hold it over your belly. Be careful not to move it, and allow it to become as still as possible. If your ring moves side to side, you're having a boy. If it moves in a circular motion, that means you'll have a girl. The odds are that faint muscle tremors in your hand are causing the ring to move in the direction it does.
Chinese Gender Calculator
According to Netmums, the Chinese gender calculator is eerily accurate, and a popular way to guess your baby's gender. This method calculates your age at conception with the numeric value of the month you conceived in. For example, if you are 25 and conceive in July (seventh month) your number would be 32. This is an even result, meaning you're having a girl. If the resulting number is odd, then it's said you're having a boy.