Things to Do While Waiting for Baby
Bake cookies, brownies and loaves of banana and pumpkin bread. Baked goods will come in handy once the baby arrives and you have visitors dropping by daily. Pack some to bring along to the hospital for your birth partner and the nurses on duty too. Prepare meals that can be frozen; these will be useful in the first few weeks after you come home with your new little one. Meals such as lasagna, chicken pot pie, meatloaf, and casseroles freeze nicely and can be popped into the oven for a quick meal even if you have a crying baby on your hands.
Go on a Date
Make a date with your husband, mom or best friends. This may be one of the last times you get out of the house without your baby in a long time. Have a nice dinner and enjoy adult conversation. See a movie that you have been meaning to watch. Take a last-minute trip to the spa and get a manicure and pedicure.
Pick up the last-minute items you may need. Stock up on pantry items, freezer items and diapers. Purchase infant pain reliever, sanitary pads, nursing bras and breast pads. Pick up some comfy pajamas and a robe for the hospital stay. Some items that are good to have on hand post-labor for yourself are stool softeners, ice packs and sitz bath.
Wash and fold baby clothes. Catch up on adult laundry. Dust and clean up clutter. Clean out your pantry and refrigerator. Clean your house from top to bottom; it will be the last time you'll get to do this for awhile, plus it will feel nice to bring baby home to a clean house.
Go on a Baby-moon
Take a trip with your husband and reconnect. You will appreciate the bonding after the baby arrives. This also may be your last chance to vacation alone together for awhile. Have fun talking about your hopes and dreams for baby.
Pack your bags for the hospital. Include a deck of cards in case you have a long labor. Pack snacks for your birth partner. Bring hard candy, chap stick, music for labor and a pair of slippers for you. Don't forget your camera, cell phone charger and a coming home outfit for baby.