Method Involving Breathing Techniques for Pregnant Woman
Lamaze is the first name people think of when they think of breathing techniques during labor. However, according to the Lamaze International website, Lamaze classes today use relaxation and breathing as just one method of controlling pain during labor, along with birthing positions and even the use of epidurals when necessary.
Bradley Method (or Husband Coached Childbirth)
The Bradley Method (or Husband-Coached Childbirth) features teaching both the husband and wife being taught the best ways to cope with labor and delivery. The class includes extensive information on breathing techniques and how the husband is to coach the wife through these techniques and other ways of controlling labor.
Mongan Method (HypnoBirthing)
The Mongan Method (or HypnoBirthing) is a method of childbirth that uses self-hypnosis as part of childbirth. The website for the method states that "...You will not be in a trance or a sleep. What you will experience is similar to the daydreaming, or focusing, that occurs when you are engrossed in a book or a movie or staring into a fire." Of course, rhythmic breathing is a major component of hypnosis, so breathing instruction would be a primary component of the Mongan Method.
Prenatal Yoga Classes
Prenatal Yoga helps mothers-to-be to relax. Prenatal Yoga Classes are also becoming very popular among mothers-to-be. BabyCenter describes prenatal yoga as "the breathing, stretching, and meditation of various types of yoga very helpful during pregnancy and childbirth."