How to Make Your Luteal Phase Last Longer
Things You'll Need
- Vitamin B6
- Progesterone cream
- Red raspberry leaf
- Vitex agnus cactus
- Progesterone suppositories (by prescription)
Take vitamin B6 every day to lengthen luteal phase. Recommended dosage ranges from 50 to 200 mg. Many women see the luteal phase increase by several days within the first month or two of adding B6 to their diet.
Use over-the-counter progesterone cream to increase luteal phase. Apply between ¼ tsp. and ½ tsp. of cream to the inside of your forearm, inside of your thigh, neck or chest area in the morning and evening. Begin applying the cream immediately after ovulation and continue using it until menstruation begins or until the tenth week of gestation in the event of pregnancy. Alternate the locations where you spread the progesterone cream each time.
Take up to 1,000 mg of red raspberry leaf daily during the entire monthly cycle to lengthen the luteal phase. Because red raspberry leaf enhances the uterine lining, it can make the luteal phase longer. Red raspberry leaf is safe to continue to take throughout a pregnancy, until approximately one month before delivery.
Add vitex agnus cactus to your diet, taking 1,000 mg each day throughout the entire monthly cycle. Vitex can help balance the ratio of estrogen and progesterone, which can lengthen the luteal phase. Combining vitex with red raspberry leaf can produce successful results in lengthening a luteal phase for conception.
See a physician if these remedies do not produce satisfactory results. A physician might prescribe progesterone suppositories for you to use during the luteal phase to make it longer.