Clearblue Easy Directions
Clearblue Easy pregnancy tests work by measuring the amount of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in your urine. Known as the pregnancy hormone, hCG doubles in a pregnant woman's system every two to three days until it maxes out between the 7th and 12th week of pregnancy.
Manual Option
The standard Clearblue Easy test not only lets you know if you're pregnant with a +/-, it also lets you know that the test is working with a color-changing tip. Hold the test under a stream of your urine for five seconds, with the color-changing tip directly in the stream. As you urinate, the color-changing tip will turn pink to show that the urine is being absorbed. If this does not occur, discard the test. Wait two minutes to read the test. If there is a blue line in the control window, the test is ready. If a blue line never appears, discard the test. Next, look in the results window. If there is a plus sign (+), even a faint one, you are pregnant. If there is only one line, you are not.
Digital Option
The digital test is similar to the non-digital test, aside from the final reading, as it is much easier to read the results of a digital test. As with the non-digital test, hold the test under a stream of your urine for five seconds, with the absorbent tip directly in the stream. An hourglass symbol will appear to show that the test is working. Now, wait for three full minutes. After the three minutes, the results will automatically display and remain on the screen for 24 hours. The results will say either "pregnant" or "not pregnant." If your screen is blank or does not say either of those words, discard the test.