Gender Prediction Myths
High or Low Belly
The gender of a baby cannot be determined by the position of a baby bump on a woman's body. A woman carrying low does not mean it is certain she is having a boy, and a woman carrying high does not mean she will give birth to a girl.
Heart Rate
The gender of a baby cannot be determined by its heart rate in the womb. Contrary to myth, a baby with heart rate higher than 140 beats per minute will not always be a girl, and a baby with a heart rate less than 130 beats per minute does not mean it is a boy.
Urine and Drano
Mixing the urine of a pregnant woman with Drano and looking for the resulting color will not tell the gender of an unborn child. Any color changes that result from this mixture have nothing to do with whether the baby is a boy or a girl.
It is not true that a woman craving sweets is carrying a girl in her womb, and it is also not true that a woman craving sour foods is carrying a boy. Food aversions do also not predict the gender of a baby, and neither does the timing of morning sickness.
Shape of Face
The shape of a pregnant woman's face does not indicate the gender of her baby. A round face may just be the result of the pregnancy weight gain. The degree of flushing or rosy cheeks on a pregnant woman does not prove the gender of the baby. The amount of acne a pregnant woman has will also not tell whether she is carrying a boy or girl.
Do It Yourself Tests
There are a number of myths about tests woman can do to predict her baby's gender. Dangling a ring over the belly to see which way it will swing, looking at the differences in breast size, and picking up a key by one end or another will not tell if a baby is a boy or a girl.