How to Calculate an Estimated Date of Delivery
Things You'll Need
- Calendar
- Calculator
- Computer access
- Ultrasound
Identify the date of the first day of the last menstrual period, if possible. Using a calendar, count 40 weeks (the average length of a pregnancy) from that date. This is the estimated date of delivery, or due date.
Visit websites that offer due date calculators, such as,, and What to Have the date of the last menstrual period on hand, if known, or the date of conception, if that information is known. Enter the date in the tool on the website of your choice and click calculate. The tool will then provide you with an estimated pregnancy due date. If you know the date of conception (usually 2 weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period) and this option is available on the website, enter this into the correct fields and click calculate. A due date will then be tabulated.
Request an ultrasound if the last menstrual period date is unknown or if your menstrual cycles are very irregular. An ultrasound can measure the actual size of the fetus, which means that a healthcare professional can identify the current stage of pregnancy and provide an estimated due date based on that information.