How do I Donate Eggs in Wisconsin?
Choose a fertility clinic in Wisconsin that accepts egg donations. The Froedtert and Medical College of Wisconsin and Fertility Pro Registry accept egg donations to be used to help women with fertility issues.
Determine your qualifications to become an egg donor. You must be between the ages of 21 and 33. While already having a healthy child of your own to prove fertility is a nice benefit, it is not a requirement for donors.
Contact the fertility clinic of your choice and obtain an application to become an egg donor. Some clinics have this application on their website. Fill out the application in its entirety, which requires that you answer questions about your health, habits and medical history. A nurse or doctor at the clinic will review your application.
Schedule an interview appointment at the fertility clinic with the nurse that calls to inform you your application has been tentatively accepted. After your interview, a medical director will determine whether or not you are a good candidate for egg donation at their facility.
Attend all of the medical appointments set up for you by the clinic, if you are chosen as a potential donor. These medical tests are a requirement for all potential donors to examine you for diseases and medical issues that could affect your fertility. Your medical history, interests and photos will be given to families who need to choose an egg donor. If you are chosen, you must be prepared to fully participate in the 8-week-long process of donation.
Attend all of your medical appointments leading up to your egg-extraction. The first four weeks worth of appointments are limited, where you will be given medication to increase your fertility. The last four weeks you will be taught how to give yourself injections of fertility drugs, which you must be able to do.
Ask a trusted friend or family member to drive you to and from your extraction appointment. Your eggs will be extracted while you are under anesthesia. You will be compensated for your time and egg donation for the amount that you agreed upon during your initial visit to the clinic.