Normal Labour & Delivery
Normal labor and delivery can take place at home, in a birthing center or at a hospital. The labor and delivery may take place in a birthing pool if the woman desires.
Time Frame
According to the website What to Expect, labor for a first-time mom lasts approximately 14 hours. For a mom who has already had a baby, the average labor is eight hours. However, labor may be shorter or longer depending on the woman.
Stages and Phases
Labor and delivery is divided into three stages, according to the website Epigee. The first stage is labor, which is divided into three phases: early, active and transitional. The second stage is the delivery of the baby. The third stage is the delivery of the placenta.
The birth may be attended by a doula, midwife, family physician, obstetrician and/or pediatrician, depending on the circumstances. In most cases, if the woman opts for a home birth, it will be attended by either a doula or midwife but no doctor will be present.