When Do Pregnant Start Showing?
*Body type *- Women who are naturally slimmer may start showing earlier than those who carry more weight around their abdomen.
* First or multiple pregnancies - Women who have been pregnant before tend to show earlier with subsequent pregnancies as their abdominal muscles may be less toned.
Pregnancy position - If the baby is positioned with its back toward the mother's belly, it may become visible sooner
. Maternal weight gain - Weight gain, including fat storage and the growing uterus, can contribute to the appearance of a visible bump.
Uterine position and size, which varies among individuals and with advancing pregnancy.
*Generally, many women start to show a noticeable baby bump between 12 and 16 weeks (the end of the first trimester and beginning of the second trimester) although it is also common for it to become evident before then or slightly later on.**
Remember, every pregnancy is unique, and individual differences are normal. Consult your healthcare provider if you have specific questions or concerns regarding your pregnancy timeline.