No period yet but took 2 tests and negative feel pregnant had bleeding March 5 which was a half weeks earlier than my normal should start be 19 no period.?
It's possible that you could be pregnant, even if you've had a negative pregnancy test and some bleeding.
Negative pregnancy tests can sometimes occur if the test was taken too early or if your urine was diluted. Implantation bleeding can also occur around the time that you would expect your period, which is why it's important to see a doctor or healthcare professional if you are concerned.
Here are some possible causes for your missed period and negative pregnancy tests:
- Pregnancy: It's possible that you are pregnant, but the pregnancy hormone levels may not be high enough to be detected by a home pregnancy test.
- Recent birth control use: If you've recently started or stopped using birth control, this could affect your menstrual cycle and cause a missed period.
- Stress: Stress can affect your menstrual cycle and cause it to be delayed.
- Thyroid issues: Thyroid issues can cause menstrual irregularities.
- Perimenopause: If you are over the age of 40, you may be experiencing perimenopause, which can cause irregular periods.
If you have any concerns about your missed period or negative pregnancy tests, it's important to see a doctor or healthcare professional.