What symptoms should you have when 7 weeks pregnant?
1. Breast Changes:
- Breasts may become tender, swollen, and feel heavier due to increased blood flow.
- Darkening of the areolas (the area around the nipples) may occur.
2. Morning Sickness:
- Nausea and vomiting, often referred to as morning sickness, can be more pronounced during this week.
3. Fatigue and Weakness:
- Feeling extremely tired and lacking energy is common.
- This is caused by increased progesterone levels, which can make you feel drowsy.
4. Frequent Urination:
- You may find yourself needing to use the bathroom more often due to increased blood flow to the kidneys and uterus.
5. Mood Swings:
- Emotional ups and downs, as well as mood swings, can be influenced by hormonal changes.
6. Bloating and Gas:
- Increased progesterone levels can slow down digestion, causing bloating and gas.
7. Heightened Sense of Smell:
- Your sense of smell may become more sensitive, leading to certain scents causing nausea or heightened awareness of smells.
8. Changes in Appetite and Cravings:
- Some women experience food aversions or cravings at this time.
9. Headaches:
- Mild headaches may occur due to hormonal changes.
10. Lower Abdominal Discomfort:
- Mild cramping or a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen is common as the uterus begins to expand.
11. Darkening of the Areolas:
- The area around the nipples may become darker in preparation for breastfeeding.
12. Visible Veins:
- Veins may become more noticeable on your breasts and abdomen due to increased blood flow.
13. Constipation:
- Progesterone can slow down digestion, leading to constipation.
14. Increased Basal Body Temperature:
- If you've been tracking your basal body temperature, you may notice that it remains elevated during this week.
15. Emotional Sensitivity:
- Feeling more emotional or tearful than usual is common.
Remember that not all women experience all of these symptoms, and the severity can vary from person to person. If you have any concerns or questions about your symptoms, always consult with your healthcare provider.