How can you tell approximatly how far along are in your pregnancy without going to the doctor?
Heartbeat with a fetal Doppler: Purchase a fetal Doppler to hear the heartbeat if you are very far along in your pregnancy. While these are not completely accurate, they may provide a rough estimate of how advanced you are.
First trimester symptoms: If you are still within the initial stages of pregnancy, keeping track of your symptoms may offer insight into how far along you are. For instance, morning sickness frequently reaches its peak during weeks 8 to 11 before gradually easing off.
Counting quickening: This refers to the time when you become aware of the baby's movement. It's normally noted by mothers between 16 to 24 weeks of pregnancy. When you become aware of quickening for the first time, take note of the date.
Pubic bone measurement: By pressing on your tummy with gently pressure just above the pubic bone, you can feel for the top of your uterus. Start measuring right above your pubic bone and all the way up to the uterus's top in centimeters when it's about the same height as the measured weeks of pregnancy. If your uterus is, say, 10 centimeters above the pubic bone, you are likely close to 10 weeks pregnant.
Always remember, these methods should only be used as rough approximations because everyone's pregnancy and body develop differently. If you want a precise assessment of your pregnancy, be sure to see a healthcare provider.