How do you put a pregnant woman in recovery position?
1. Place the woman on her side, making sure her body is straight and her hips and shoulders are aligned.
2. Bend her knees and bring her legs up towards her abdomen, supporting her head with a pillow or rolled up blanket.
Step 2: Support the woman's airway:
1. Open her airway by gently tilting her head back and slightly lifting her chin.
2. Ensure her tongue is not blocking her airway.
Step 3: Remove tight clothing:
1. Loosen any tight clothing, especially around her neck, chest, and waist, to help her breathe more easily.
Step 4: Monitor the woman's condition:
1. Periodically check the woman's breathing, pulse, and level of consciousness.
2. If she experiences any respiratory distress or loss of consciousness, seek immediate medical attention.
Remember, the recovery position is a crucial first aid maneuver that helps keep the airway open and prevents choking. If you are unsure how to perform the recovery position or if the pregnant woman's condition is deteriorating, call for medical assistance right away.
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