Could you be pregnant if over a week late and think had implantation bleeding but an hpt was negative despite nausea bloating peeing irratability?
* The test was taken too early. Implantation bleeding can occur anywhere from 6 to 12 days after conception, but it typically lasts only for a day or two. If you took a home pregnancy test before the implantation bleeding had occurred, or if you took the test too early after the bleeding had stopped, the result may have been negative even though you are actually pregnant.
* The test was not sensitive enough. Some home pregnancy tests are not as sensitive as others, and they may not be able to detect low levels of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). If you think you may be pregnant, even though you have a negative home pregnancy test result, you should see a doctor for a blood test, which can detect lower levels of hCG than home pregnancy tests.
* The test was performed incorrectly. If you did not follow the instructions on the home pregnancy test package carefully, it may have given you an inaccurate result. Be sure to read the instructions carefully and follow them exactly, including the waiting time before reading the results.
If you are over a week late for your period and you are experiencing symptoms of pregnancy, such as nausea, bloating, frequent urination, and irritability, it is important to see a doctor to rule out pregnancy.
They may recommend a blood test to confirm or rule out pregnancy. If you are pregnant, your doctor can also provide you with prenatal care and support.