How many abortions can you have in Australia?
1. New South Wales (NSW): There is no specific legal limit on the number of abortions a woman can have in NSW. Abortions are legal up to 22 weeks of pregnancy under the state's abortion legislation. After 22 weeks, abortions may be permitted in certain circumstances with the approval of two doctors.
2. Victoria (VIC): Similar to NSW, there is no legal limit on the number of abortions a woman can have in Victoria. Abortion is legal up to 24 weeks of pregnancy under the state's abortion laws. Beyond 24 weeks, abortions may be permitted with the approval of two doctors if the woman's life, health, or well-being is at serious risk.
3. Queensland (QLD): Queensland's abortion laws allow for abortions up to 22 weeks of pregnancy without any specific limit on the number of abortions a woman can have. After 22 weeks, abortions may be permitted in certain circumstances, such as risks to the woman's physical or mental health, with the approval of two doctors.
4. South Australia (SA): Abortion in South Australia is legal up to 28 weeks of pregnancy, and there is no set limit on the number of abortions a woman can have. However, abortions after 22 weeks require the approval of two doctors and must align with specific medical reasons or considerations related to the woman's physical or mental health.
5. Western Australia (WA): Western Australia's abortion laws allow for abortions up to 20 weeks of pregnancy without any specific limits on the number of abortions a woman can have. After 20 weeks, abortions are regulated based on medical considerations and require the approval of two doctors.
6. Tasmania (TAS): In Tasmania, abortions are permitted up to 16 weeks of pregnancy without any explicit restrictions on the number of abortions a woman can have. Abortions between 16 and 24 weeks also require the approval of two doctors, considering factors such as the woman's physical or mental health and relevant medical circumstances.
7. Northern Territory (NT): Under Northern Territory legislation, abortions are allowed up to 14 weeks of pregnancy without any specified limit on the number of abortions a woman can have. Between 14 and 24 weeks, abortions may be performed with the approval of two doctors who consider the risks and implications for the woman's health, safety, and circumstances.
8. Australian Capital Territory (ACT): Abortion in the ACT is legal up to 24 weeks of pregnancy, and there are no legislative restrictions on the number of abortions a woman can have. However, specific considerations and assessments of individual cases still apply if an abortion request falls outside the usual guidelines or involves late-term procedures.
It's worth noting that while these summaries capture the general rules at the time of writing, abortion laws might undergo occasional changes at the state and territory levels in Australia. Stay updated with local sources to get the most accurate and current information about abortion laws.