What if your wife is 24 weeks pregnant and sometimes she feels him move not this normal?
* The baby's position. As your baby grows, he or she will move around more freely in the womb. This can sometimes mean that the baby is in a position where you can't feel his or her movements as well.
* The amount of amniotic fluid. The amount of amniotic fluid in the womb can also affect how much you can feel your baby's movements. If there is too much or too little amniotic fluid, it can make it harder to feel the baby moving.
* The mother's weight. If the mother has gained a lot of weight during pregnancy, it can make it harder to feel the baby's movements. This is because the extra weight can put pressure on the uterus, which can make it harder for the baby to move around.
* Other factors. Other factors that can affect how much you can feel your baby's movements include the mother's activity level, the time of day, and the baby's sleep cycle.
If you are concerned about the amount of movement you are feeling from your baby, it is important to talk to your doctor. Your doctor can assess the situation and determine if there is anything to be concerned about.
Here are some tips for feeling your baby's movements:
* Lie down on your back and place your hands on your belly.
* Relax and focus on the feeling of your baby's movements.
* You may feel a fluttering, swishing, or kicking sensation.
* If you don't feel any movement after a few minutes, try again later.
It is important to note that every baby is different and some babies move more than others. If you are concerned about the amount of movement you are feeling from your baby, talk to your doctor.
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