Your period is ten days late and 2 home results were negative but your stomach bloated weird could you be pregnant?
Some of the reasons why a home pregnancy test might give a false-negative result include:
- You took the test too early. Home pregnancy tests are most accurate when taken after your missed period. If you test too early, the hCG level in your urine may not be high enough to be detected by the test.
- You did not follow the test instructions correctly. Be sure to read and follow the test instructions carefully. Some tests require you to hold the stick in your urine stream for a certain amount of time, while others require you to place the stick in a urine cup.
- You have a low hCG level. Some women have lower levels of hCG than others, which can make it more difficult to detect pregnancy early on.
- You are using an expired pregnancy test. Pregnancy tests have expiration dates, so be sure to check the expiration date before you use the test.
If you have taken a home pregnancy test and the result is negative, but you still think you might be pregnant, you can talk to your doctor about getting a blood test. A blood test can detect pregnancy earlier than a home pregnancy test.
Some of the symptoms that you may experience if you are pregnant include:
- Missed period
- Nausea and vomiting
- Bloating
- Fatigue
- Tender breasts
- Mood swings
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to see your doctor to find out if you are pregnant.