What do you expect when your dog gives birth?
1. Nesting behavior: The mother dog may start arranging bedding material (such as blankets or towels) in a secluded, comfortable area to prepare her nest for whelping.
2. Restlessness and panting: As labor approaches, the mother dog may become restless and exhibit increased panting.
3. Temperature drop: A few hours before whelping, the mother dog's temperature may drop below 37.2°C (99°F). This drop in temperature can indicate that whelping is imminent.
During giving birth (whelping process):
1. Stage 1 (latent phase): This can last several hours. During this phase, uterine contractions begin but are often not visible externally. The mother dog may show mild restlessness or panting.
2. Stage 2 (active labor): This is the most intense phase. The mother dog's contractions become stronger and more frequent, leading to the delivery of puppies. Each puppy may be delivered within minutes or can take several hours, depending on the individual dog and the number of puppies.
3. Stage 3 (placental expulsion): After each puppy is born, the placenta is expelled. The mother dog will usually consume the placenta.
After giving birth (postpartum):
1. Nursing and caring for puppies: The mother dog will naturally take care of her puppies, including nursing, grooming, and providing warmth.
2. Rest and recovery: After whelping, the mother dog will need a calm, quiet environment to rest and recover.
3. Nutritional support: The mother dog will require extra nutrition during the early postpartum period to support milk production and her own recovery.
4. Veterinary care: It's important to consult with a veterinarian after whelping to ensure that both the mother dog and her puppies are healthy.
It's also important to note that every dog is different, and the whelping process can vary based on factors such as the breed, size, and health of the mother dog. If you have concerns or questions about your dog's pregnancy or whelping, consult with a veterinarian for professional guidance.