Why are you not getting your period and pregnant?
- Weight gain: Sudden weight gain can disrupt hormonal balance and cause irregular periods or even amenorrhea (absence of menstruation).
- Weight loss: Drastic weight loss can lead to hormonal imbalances, similar to weight gain, affecting the menstrual cycle.
- Excessive exercise: Intense physical activity can lower the levels of estrogen, impacting menstruation and sometimes causing amenorrhea in athletes.
- Stress: Chronic stress can disrupt the delicate balance of hormones in the body, leading to irregular periods.
- Birth control: Certain types of hormonal contraception intentionally prevent ovulation, leading to the absence of menstruation.
- PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome): A common hormonal disorder that can cause irregular periods, excessive androgen production, and ovulation irregularities.
- Menopause: As women age, the production of reproductive hormones decreases, leading to irregular periods and eventual menopause.
- Medications: Some medications, like chemotherapy or certain hormonal treatments, can affect menstrual cycles.
- Medical conditions: Some medical conditions, like thyroid problems or certain ovarian disorders, can impact the menstrual cycle.
If you're concerned about the absence of your period, it's always best to consult a medical professional for proper diagnosis and guidance.