What are 5 causes of teen pregnancy?
2. Early sexual activity. Teens are more likely to become pregnant if they begin having sex at an early age. This is because they are less likely to be physically and emotionally mature enough to handle the responsibilities of parenthood.
3. Peer pressure. Teens may feel pressure from their peers to engage in sexual activity, even if they are not ready. This pressure can come from both male and female peers, and it can be difficult for teens to resist.
4. Lack of parental support and involvement. Teens are less likely to engage in sexual activity if they have a strong and supportive relationship with their parents or other adult caregivers. This is because these adults can provide teens with guidance, information, and support, and they can help teens to make healthy choices.
5. Poverty and social disadvantage. Teens who come from poor or disadvantaged backgrounds are more likely to become pregnant than teens from more affluent backgrounds. This is because poverty and social disadvantage can lead to a number of factors that increase the risk of teen pregnancy, such as lack of access to education and health care, peer pressure, and early sexual activity.