Am 27 weeks and 4 days pregnant always felt the baby kicking. Now I can still feel kicking but not regularly am worried?
Here are a few possible explanations for why your fetal movement has decreased:
- Your baby's sleep cycle. Babies spend most of their time asleep in the womb. When your baby is asleep, you will likely feel less movement.
- Your baby's position. If your baby is facing away from you or if there is a lot of fluid between you and your baby, you may feel less movement.
- Your placenta. If your placenta is located at the front of your uterus, it may cushion the baby's movements and you may feel less movement.
If you're concerned about decreased fetal movement, there are a few things you can do:
- Try drinking a cold drink or eating a sugary snack. These things can stimulate your baby to move.
- Lie down on your left side for 30 minutes. This position can help to increase blood flow to the placenta and encourage your baby to move.
- Count your baby's kicks for an hour. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that pregnant women count their baby's kicks every day starting at 28 weeks. You should feel at least 10 kicks in an hour.
If you are still concerned about your baby's movements, call your doctor or midwife. They can check your baby's heart rate and movement and make sure everything is okay.