What are those symptoms of pregnant women?
Early pregnancy symptoms (first trimester)
1. Missed period: One of the earliest signs of pregnancy is a missed or delayed menstrual period.
2. Breast changes: Your breasts may become tender, swollen, or feel tingly. The areolas (the dark areas around the nipples) may also darken.
3. Nausea and vomiting: Also known as morning sickness, this can occur at any time of the day and is most common during the first trimester.
4. Fatigue: You may feel extremely tired and have less energy than usual.
5. Frequent urination: You may need to urinate more frequently than usual, especially at night.
6. Food cravings or aversions: You may have strong cravings for certain foods or an aversion to foods you previously enjoyed.
7. Constipation: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can slow down digestion and lead to constipation.
Later pregnancy symptoms (second and third trimesters)
1. Growing belly: As the baby grows, your belly will gradually get bigger.
2. Weight gain: You can expect to gain weight during pregnancy, typically around 25 to 35 pounds (11.5 to 16 kilograms).
3. Back pain: The weight of the growing uterus can put pressure on your back and cause pain.
4. Swelling (edema): Fluid retention can cause swelling in your hands, feet, and ankles.
5. Shortness of breath: The growing uterus can press on your lungs and diaphragm, making it harder to breathe.
6. Heartburn and indigestion: Hormonal changes can relax the valve between your stomach and esophagus, leading to heartburn and indigestion.
7. Varicose veins: These swollen, bluish veins can appear on the legs and vulva.
8. Hemorrhoids: These swollen veins in the rectum can cause pain, itching, or bleeding.
9. Skin changes: Your skin may become darker, especially in areas like the areolas, nipples, and belly line. You may also develop stretch marks on your belly, thighs, or breasts.
10. Mood swings: Hormonal changes can cause emotional ups and downs.
Other symptoms that may occur during pregnancy:
- Nasal congestion
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Increased saliva production
- Bloating
- Flatulence
- Leg cramps
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Vision changes
- Tingling or numbness in the hands or feet
It's important to note that not all pregnant women experience all of these symptoms, and some may have additional symptoms not mentioned here. If you are experiencing any symptoms that concern you, it's always best to consult with your healthcare provider.
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