What if your period is 16 days late you took 2 pregnancy tests two ago both negative and still no what now?
* Ovulation may have occurred later than expected. This can happen for various reasons, such as stress, illness, or changes in your diet or exercise routine. A late ovulation can result in a late period, even if you are not pregnant.
* Your body may be producing low levels of the pregnancy hormone hCG. This can sometimes happen in early pregnancy, when the levels of hCG are still too low to be detected by a home pregnancy test. If you think you might be pregnant, even if you have a negative pregnancy test, it's worth following up with a blood test to check for hCG levels.
* You may have a medical condition that is causing your period to be late. This could include conditions such as thyroid problems, diabetes, or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). If you have concerns about your late period, it's worth seeing a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions.
What to do next:
* Wait a few days and take another pregnancy test. If your period is still late and you still have negative pregnancy tests, it's worth waiting a few more days and taking another test. This will give the levels of hCG time to increase, if you are pregnant.
* See a doctor if your period is more than 10 days late. If your period is more than 10 days late, it's worth seeing a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions. Your doctor may recommend a blood test to check your hCG levels or an ultrasound to examine your uterus and ovaries.
Remember, a late period does not necessarily mean that you are pregnant. There are many possible explanations for a late period, so it's important to see a doctor if you have concerns.