How do you use Mifepristone medicine to remove pregnancy?
1. Determine if you are pregnant. Mifepristone is only effective in terminating pregnancies up to 10 weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period. You can confirm your pregnancy with a home pregnancy test or by visiting your doctor.
2. See your doctor or a qualified healthcare provider. They will confirm your pregnancy, discuss the procedure and risks with you, and provide you with the medication.
3. Take the first dose of Mifepristone. At the provider's office. Swallow the pills with water.
4. Go home and return 24 to 48 hours later. Take the second medication, misoprostol, which will cause the pregnancy to be expelled from the uterus. You will stay at the clinic or doctor's office while taking this medication. Some providers may allow you to take the second set of pills at home instead. Misoprostol causes cramping and bleeding like a miscarriage and takes place in about 1 to 4 hours. You may see the gestational sac being passed when this phase happens.
5. Wait. Most people start bleeding and cramping between 2 and 24 hours after taking the misoprostol. The process, which some compare to having an extremely heavy period along with strong period cramps, may take anything from several hours to days — the average time frame that Mifeprex completes the termination is nine to 10 days.**
6. Have a follow-up visit with your doctor or a qualified healthcare provider. About two weeks after taking the Mifepristone, check for a urine or blood test to make sure there's no more pregnancy hormone, also known as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), present, indicating a terminated pregnancy.