I am due February 20th so when did conceive?
If you have a 28-day cycle, you can calculate your conception date by subtracting 14 days from the date of your expected period (February 20th). This would mean you conceived around August 6th.
Here is a general formula you can use to estimate your conception date, regardless of your cycle length:
Conception date = Expected period date - (Cycle length - 14)
For example, if your cycle is 35 days and your expected period date is February 20th:
Conception date = February 20th - (35 - 14)
Conception date = February 20th - 21
Conception date = August 29th
It's important to remember that these calculations are estimates based on average cycle lengths. Ovulation and conception can happen at different times for different people and cycles, so the exact date of conception can vary. If you have any concerns or questions, it's best to consult with your healthcare provider.