You took a pregnancy test 3 days before your period and one two weeks after Both said negative Could you still be pregnant?
1. False Negatives: Pregnancy tests have a chance of producing false negative results, especially in early pregnancy when hormone levels may not be high enough for detection. Factors such as testing too early, diluting the urine sample, or using expired tests can also lead to false negatives.
2. Implantation Timing: The fertilized egg typically implants in the uterus 6-10 days after ovulation. If implantation occurs later (closer to the date of your missed period), hormone levels may take longer to reach detectable levels.
3. Hormone Sensitivity: Some individuals may have lower levels of the pregnancy hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin, hCG). This could result in a negative pregnancy test, even if a pregnancy exists.
4. Ectopic Pregnancy: In rare cases, an ectopic pregnancy can occur where the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, often in the fallopian tube. Ectopic pregnancies may not always produce detectable levels of hCG in urine and might still cause a negative pregnancy test result.
If you believe there is a possibility of pregnancy despite negative test results, it's a good idea to wait a few days and test again or see a healthcare provider to confirm whether you are pregnant or not. A blood test for hCG levels can provide more accurate results, especially in early pregnancy. A healthcare professional can also evaluate any factors that may be contributing to the negative test results or recommend further testing and management.