What are the two mayor stages of development in pregnancy?
- Weeks 1-8: The fertilized egg implants in the uterus and begins to divide. The embryo develops basic body structures, including the brain, heart, and lungs.
- Weeks 9-12: The embryo's major organs continue to develop, and the limbs, fingers, and toes begin to form. The embryo is now called a fetus.
2. Fetal stage
- Weeks 13-27: The fetus grows rapidly and begins to move and kick. The skin becomes thicker, and the hair, nails, and eyelashes start to grow.
- Weeks 28-36: The fetus continues to grow and mature. The lungs and other organs are now fully developed, and the fetus is able to survive outside of the womb.
- Weeks 37-40: The fetus continues to gain weight and mature. The head is down, and the fetus is ready to be born.