Could you be pregnant if had a DNC 3 weeks ago and were 8 then started feeling againd all the symptoms have positive blood test urine test?

It is unlikely to be pregnant if you had a DNC (dilation and curettage) three weeks ago and were eight weeks pregnant at that time. A DNC is a procedure that involves removing the contents of the uterus, including any pregnancy tissue. Following a successful DNC, it is normal to experience symptoms such as bleeding, cramping, and hormonal changes. However, it is highly unlikely that you would be pregnant again so soon after the procedure, especially considering you had a positive blood and urine test.

If you are experiencing pregnancy symptoms, such as nausea, fatigue, and breast tenderness, it is important to see a doctor to determine the cause. These symptoms can be caused by various factors, including hormonal imbalances, underlying medical conditions, or medications. A doctor can perform the necessary tests to determine if you are pregnant or if there may be another explanation for your symptoms.

In cases where a woman has had a DNC and subsequent pregnancy symptoms, it is essential to rule out the possibility of retained products of conception (RPOC). This refers to pregnancy tissue that remains in the uterus after a miscarriage or DNC. RPOC can lead to ongoing symptoms and may require further medical intervention.

To ensure accurate and timely diagnosis, it is crucial to consult a doctor if you are experiencing pregnancy symptoms after a DNC, even if you have had positive blood and urine tests.

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