Should i be worried that 6 weeks pregnant but scan says 4 with gestational sac and no yolk fetal pole yet?

It is very common to have a difference in gestational age between the last menstrual period (LMP) dating and ultrasound dating, especially in early pregnancy. This is because ovulation can occur earlier or later than expected, and the size of the gestational sac can vary depending on the individual.

At six weeks pregnant, a gestational sac with no visible fetal pole is still considered normal. Often the fetal pole will not be seen on ultrasound until 7 weeks pregnant or later.

So in short, it is reasonable to be concerned about the discrepancy between the LMP dating and the ultrasound dating, but it is not necessarily a cause for alarm. It is important to remember that every pregnancy is different and that the development of the fetus can vary from woman to woman.

To confirm the viability of the pregnancy, your doctor may recommend a repeat ultrasound in a few weeks to check for the development of the fetal pole.

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