Your fundal height is 29 cm but im only 27 weeks pregnant that normal my doctor seems to think further gone so do i the hospital say not?
The average fundal height at 27 weeks of pregnancy is 23-25 cm. However, there can be a significant amount of variation in fundal height measurements, even among healthy pregnancies. Some women may have a fundal height that is higher or lower than average, and this does not necessarily mean that there is anything wrong with the pregnancy.
In your case, your fundal height is 29 cm, which is higher than the average for 27 weeks. This could mean that you are further along in your pregnancy than you thought, or it could simply be a normal variation. Your doctor will take other factors into consideration, such as your weight gain and the results of your prenatal tests, to make a determination about how far along you are in your pregnancy.
It is important to remember that fundal height measurement is not a perfect way to estimate the baby's size. It is only one of many factors that your doctor will consider when assessing the health of your pregnancy. If you have any concerns about your fundal height, be sure to talk to your doctor.