LMP is saying you are 20 weeks pregnant But sonogram today said were only 15 Is it possible that your baby just small Can determine the sex of fetus at weeks?
- Yes, it is possible that your baby is just small. While the difference between your LMP and ultrasound measurements may suggest a discrepancy in gestational age, it is not always an indication of a problem. Some babies do measure smaller than expected at a given gestational age, and this may be due to a number of factors, such as genetics, maternal health and fetal growth restriction.
Can sex of fetus be determined at 15 weeks?
- The sex of a fetus can sometimes be determined at 15 weeks, but it is not always possible. The accuracy of sex determination depends on a number of factors, such as the position of the fetus and the quality of the ultrasound image. In some cases, the genitals of the fetus may not be fully developed at 15 weeks, making it difficult to determine the sex.