Dilation and Evacuation Recovery
Bring someone along to drive you home after the procedure. You should not drive yourself, since the anaesthesia may make you feel nauseated, tired, disoriented and dizzy. Find someone who can stay with you a full 24 hours, until the anaesthetic has time to wear off, if possible.
Relax or sleep at home for the rest of the day. Take an over-the-counter painkiller -- such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen -- to relieve any pain or discomfort you feel. Return to your usual activities the next day, or as you feel ready.
Keep foreign materials out of your vagina to reduce the risk of infection. Use sanitary pads rather tampons to absorb the light vaginal bleeding or spotting that normally occurs during the first two weeks following a D and E. You may bathe, but don't douche or put any other form of medicine in your vagina. Wait to resume intercourse until your bleeding stops, unless your doctor gives you different instructions.
Talk to family members, close friends or a counselor to help you deal with the emotions you may experience after your D and E. The more help you can find while working through the emotions, the faster you can heal and move on.