How to Tell Gender on Ultrasounds

Having regular ultrasounds is a typical part of any pregnancy to ensure the health and development of your unborn baby. One of the most exciting moments in a pregnancy is finding out the baby's gender with an ultrasound at about 18 to 20 weeks along. At this point in your pregnancy, the ultrasound technician may find sex organs which prove the fetus to be a male or female. There are different things the technician will look for to prove the gender of the fetus.


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      Wait until you are at least 18 weeks pregnant. While it may be possible to see the sex organs of your unborn baby before this time, most gender ultrasounds are done between 18 and 20 weeks.

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      Look for three lines in between the legs of the fetus. Female fetuses will show three white lines between their legs, which show the presence of a vagina and vulva.

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      View the fetus from the bottom and find two ovals with a smaller protrusion between them for indication of a male fetus. If viewed from the side, a male fetus might be determined if his penis is erect during the time of the ultrasound.

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      Repeat the ultrasound at a later date if the result was inconclusive. Even when you wait until the recommended time to have the gender ultrasound, the baby might not be in a position where you can see between its legs. Should this happen, schedule another ultrasound appointment for a week or so later.

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